Rachel Michael


Diploma in Dance Movement Therapy: Froebel College, Roehampton University (1994)
Certificate in Counselling Skills and Attitudes: Westminster Pastoral Foundation (1996)
MA Theology: University of Wales Lampeter (2009)
Multicultural Wellness and Trauma Healing Education: Capacitar International (2011) (www.capacitaruk.org) Lay Pioneer School: CMS (https://churchmissionsociety.org/) and CCX (https://ccx.org.uk/) (2020)

I participate in annual continuing professional development training, most notably through the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute (https://sensorimotorpsychotherapy.org/) and the Institute of Embodied Psychotherapy (https://www.embodiedpsychotherapy.org.uk/).

I am licensed for private practice with the Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy UK and abide by their code of practice.

I work under clinical supervision and am covered by public liability and professional indemnity insurance.

What others have said…


“I found the Body and Spirit training day for Spiritual Directors truly inspirational. It opened new ways to pray and express myself to God. It was beautifully facilitated with great sensitivity.”

— Participant, London Centre for Spiritual Direction (LCSD) Training Day

“Rachel’s gentle approach and professional skills led me to experience a spiritual dimension of which I was not aware until that moment. I loved to be led in the movements of the body and the invitation to progressively release tensions to allow the spirit to connect with God in oneself.”

— Participant, LCSD Training Day


Since 1991, when I laid aside my professional dance career and returned to the UK, I have been pursuing a path which has led me to work towards the integration of embodied awareness and practice within the Christian tradition. I understand this to be about learning to attune to the body in prayer, reflection and healing. Much of my work focusses on helping people to develop greater body awareness and to explore movement as an expression of the inner life.

In 2007 I became a registered practitioner with the Association of Dance Movement Psychotherapy UK after training at Froebel College, Roehampton. Whilst my training in classical dance focused on technique and visual appearance, the dance movement therapy training emphasised the inner dynamics of movement and how movement qualities and structures can enable us to engage with the inner life of psyche, soul and spirit.

I have worked with a wide range of client groups over the years, most recently with older adults in a care home setting and people with sensory and physical disabilities at a day care centre.

The main heart of my work now is to enable others to explore the practice of body awareness and movement in the context of prayer, reflection and healing.

Through offering workshops, quiet days, retreats and short courses, as well as working with individuals, I aim to create safe spaces where people can practice connecting with the body in stillness and movement, seeking to cultivate the kind of compassionate listening which allows the consciousness and wisdom of the body to unfold.

In my search for theology to support this kind of integrated practice I undertook the distance learning MA Theology programme through the University of Wales, Lampeter and continue to develop my thesis: “Wisdom, Play and the Body: Foundations for Embodied Prayer”.

I am a member of an Anglican parish in West London and belong to a number of networks and groups including:

Capacitar London (www.capacitaruk.org)
INS Body, Mind and Spirit Group (ins.org.uk)
Sacred Space Kingston (https://sacredspacekingston.com)

Recent Work


With Open Hands – Quiet Day for St Andrews Church Holborn and St Peter’s Whitstable
Exploring Integration, and Coming to Our Senses – Weekend retreats for the FCJ Formation Programme, Gumley House Convent
Body and Spirit - Training Day for the Friday Programme, London Centre for Spiritual Direction Introducing Embodied Prayer - Workshop for Stepney Diocese and the Comboni Mission, Chiswick

Preparing the Ground: Introducing an Embodied Approach to Contemplative Prayer – Lent course, St Johns and St Mary’s Isleworth Embodying Self Care - Conference workshop for Continuing the Journey 2024 Developing Embodied Presence - CME training day for Coventry Diocese spiritual directors Embodied Prayer and the Holy Spirit - Quiet Day with Oasis Days London